Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Szarotki stokrotki

School keeps me busy. I have no time to bake or be creative.
This was a fast cake for my husband's birthday. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE)

Cake was red velvet. The green balls :P are Christmas candy with chocolate filling.
I think my skills are slowly improving.

My Challenge cake (due on April first for my cousin's birthday/bridal shower) is the ultimate test of my skills. Tort ma byc trzy-poziomowy na 80 osob, w kolorze sukien bridesmaids (czyli turkus). Zakupilam juz na plastikowe filary ktore beda pelnily funkcje structural support. W tygodniu zaczynam pracowac nad kwiatami i ozdobami.

Ps Specjalnie dla Lukasza zdjecia beda dodane asap :) DZIEKI ZA CZYTANIE