Sunday, September 25, 2011


This is my last creation for the month of September.
I have few projects for the month of October.
Please, stop by for more updates to my blog, ask questions, post comments.
Let me know how I can improve my work.

I am always looking for new ideas. Please, post your thoughts. :)

Oczywiscie popularna amerykanska tradycja jest BABY SHOWER, czyli przyjecie (dla samych kobitek) na ktore przynosi sie prezenty na jeszcze nie narodzonego dziecka. Gwiazda wieczoru jest przyszla mama. Zajmuje ona na ogol udekorowany fotel na srodku sali i podkoniec uroczystosci otwiera prezenty czytajac "co od kogo", i dziekujac slicznie za wszystkie koszulki, butelki.....papmersy itd. :)


I know this is not a custom to be baking your own Birthday cake, however what I wanted would cost at the bakery 250$. I made it for about total cost of 25$.
Black&White theme decorations were made with the use of a sillicone mold.
I guess it must have tasted pretty good since it was all gone before the end of the night.

Because this is such a poor photo of a such nice cake, I promissed myself to hire a professional photographer. :)

Casket Graduation Cake

For the graduation of The school of Mortuary Science I was asked to make a casket cake.

This is what I came up with.
Any comments on what I could improve on my cakes?

Bunny's Cakes: Red velvet cupcakes. First time I ever baked them....

Bunny's Cakes: Red velvet cupcakes. First time I ever baked them....: Red velvet cupcakes. First time I ever baked them. Tip: Shorter baking time than listed for the full size cake. Use Pan Spray insted of ...

Bunny's Cakes: First cake I ever made including fondant was made ...

Bunny's Cakes: First cake I ever made including fondant was made ...: First cake I ever made including fondant was made from store bought fondant. (25$ a box). It wasn’t till later that I found simple fondant r...

Bunny's Cakes: SHoe lover's Birthday Cake

Bunny's Cakes: SHoe lover's Birthday Cake: Crucial to your project is knowing the limitations. Making cake too tall without structural support will result in cake leaning or slouchin...

Bunny's Cakes: bOObies anyone???

Bunny's Cakes: bOObies anyone???: This one speaks for itself :) The birthday boy had his face in the cake before the end of the party.

Bunny's Cakes: Red Velvet cake. I didn't cover it with fondant, a...

Bunny's Cakes: Red Velvet cake. I didn't cover it with fondant, a...: Red Velvet cake. I didn't cover it with fondant, and what I should have done was obvius. Cake turn out pink, because of the red crumbs. Seco...

Bunny's Cakes: Circles

Bunny's Cakes: Circles: The easiest way to make cake decorations is to use cookie cutters, or like in my example I used almost all circles. Lids, glasses, cups........


The easiest way to make cake decorations is to use cookie cutters, or like in my example I used almost all circles. Lids, glasses, cups.......grab an idea and make it your own.
Red Velvet cake. I didn't cover it with fondant, and what I should have done was obvius. Cake turn out pink, because of the red crumbs. Second layer of icing would have made it look white, covered.
Don't rush your work, and avoid using shortcuts.

bOObies anyone???

This one speaks for itself :)
The birthday boy had his face in the cake before the end of the party.

SHoe lover's Birthday Cake

Crucial to your project is knowing the limitations. Making cake too tall without structural support will result in cake leaning or slouching, specially if the room is really hot. Having the cake in your fridge in no more that 33 degrees, will help the cake to stay in one piece throughout the transport and most of the party.
First cake I ever made including fondant was made from store bought fondant. (25$ a box). It wasn’t till later that I found simple fondant recipe that involved Marshmallow, Crisco and powdered sugar. Much cheaper than from a box, but oh so sticky to make. Live and learn J

Ma ktos moze przepis na mase marcepanowa?????
W polsce jest ona popularna do tortow weselnych. Ja natomiast uzywac znacznie tansza i super latwa w wykonaniu mase Marshmellow Oryginalnie jest ona w koloze sniezno-bialym wiec latwo sie ja koloruje na wszystkie kolory za pomoca barwnikow sporzywczych.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Red velvet cupcakes. First time I ever baked them.

Shorter baking time than listed for the full size cake.
Use Pan Spray insted of butter to grease you pans to avoid "faded" edges on your cake.

Wygladaly malo apetycznie, ale smakowaly genialnie.
Krem skrecony jest z serka Philadelphia, (ktory ogolnie jest juz dostepny w polsce) soku z cytryny, troche masla, i cukru pudru. Wcale nie trudny w wykonaniu a fajnie kwasnawy. MOzna dodac ekstrakt migdalowy lub inny dla zmiany smaku.

Diana's Birthday

Whipped goodness with the twist of HOHOs, proves that even when free time is limited, the cake doesn’t have to be.
Try using Cool Whip instead of icing.    
Doesn't it look yummy?????!!!

Szybkie ciasto owocowe z bita smietana COOL WHIP. DO dekoracji ciast mozna zastosowac wszelkiego rodzaju cukierki, rurki ciasteczka i czekoladki. Cukierki malowane tymu M&M farbuja gdy sie rozpuszczaja, wiec uwazajcie zeby nie pofarbowac niechcacy ciasta :)

The first cake

Not an old recipe from grandma. Not at all, but something I found on a cooking website.
I was incredibly proud of myself. My son said “mommmmmiee, how did you make this cake so goooood” . J

Try out recipes until you find one that will work for you.  

Dwa lata temu upieklam swoje pierwsze ciasto czekoladowe (w sumie to pieklam ciasta juz w wieku 11 lat). To ciasto rozpoczelo lancuszek kreatywnosci.
Przez nastepny miesiac postaram sie zamiescic wszystkie moje wytwory (ktorych zdjecia posiadam). Latwo jest zaobserwowac postep ogladajac zdjecia od najstarszego. Ucze sie na wlasnych bledach. :)

Proponuje wyszukiwac przepisow na internecie i samemu w domu probowac. Napewno znajdzie sie cos wartego zapisania w zeszyscie.

Gift giving & Kasia's cookies

The people in my life inspire me everyday. My best friend one Christmas decided to make me some of my favorite cookies, starting a new tradition. Instead of mindless shopping, and running around, STOP, get together and make something sweet. Handmade gift shows person’s effort he or she put into the gift. Time spent in harmony is priceless, and THE BEST GIFT IS FROM THE HEART (gift cards don’t count).

Wszyscy lubia otrzymywac prezenty. W momecie w ktorym prezentem staje sie GIFT CARD, swieta przestaja byc piekne. Ty mi dajesz 50$ i ja ci daje 50$....czy widzi ktos w tym sens?
Kompletna bzdura. 
W zeszlym roku moja kumpela zdecydowala rozpoczac nowa swiateczna tradycje, ktora jest recznie robienie prezentow. Poniewaz lubimy piec, naszymi recznie robanymi prezentami (na urodziny i inne okazje rowniez) sa na ogol ciasteczka lub ciasta. 
Piekne jest to, ze ogranicza nas tylko wyobraznie (i czasami $$$).

Proponuje rozpowszechnic ta tradycje. Zobaczycie ile mozna osob uszczesliwic pudelkiem domowych ciasteczek.

Moje siostry na drogim kontynecie juz ta tradycje kontynuuja.


 This is not a form of income for me, this is only a hobby. My darling, younger sisters decided that I should be showing my creations to the bigger audience. So here we are…

To all my fans:
Please, feel free to comment or just ask questions at any time. I am not a pro, but I’m sure my tips could be useful for at least the beginners.
Any constructive criticism is welcome.

Poddajac sie naleganiu moich siostr zakladam ten blog w celu zamieszczenia wszystkich moich kreatywnosci. Mam nadzieje ze bedzie sie wszystkim podobac. 
Jestem oczywiscie otwarta na wszystkie nowe pomysly, i sugestie. 
Komentarze bardzo mile widziane.

                                                     XOXO MsBunny